Dr. Nupur Agarwal


Dr. Nupur Agarwal

Nupur is a Health & Wellbeing Expert Specialising in Mind-Body Connection


Dr. Nupur is a Health & Wellbeing Expert specialising in Mind-Body Connection. Nupur has a medical background. She worked and trained for almost 10 years in mainstream clinical settings in India. In her practice over the years, Nupur grew to recognise a strong connection between mind, body, recovery, and healing. As a result, she trained in many modalities like Mindfulness and Medical hypnotherapy in London.

As a trained Mindfulness practitioner and a Medical Hypnotherapist, she has offered her services to patients and clients and has worked with cancer patients at St. George’s Hospital, London over past 5 years. Until recently, she has been an expert with the Full Circle Fund Therapies and as part of the charity’s COVID-19 wellbeing expert partnership with Macmillan has offered recorded Mindfulness sessions to patients and employees at St George's Hospital, London.

Dr. Nupur presented her research pilot at the British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO) Conference in 2019. The title of her paper and poster were:

  1. Poster Presentation: Case Study of a patient receiving Clinical Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness program for a severely needle phobic patient requiring bone marrow biopsy.
  2.  Paper Presentation: Research Pilot on Quality Improvement project (QIP) using Clinical Hypnotherapy (CH) in surgical Head and Neck cancer patients to improve Quality of Life (QoL)
  3. Publication: The abstract of her research pilot was published in a leading European journal, European Journal of Surgical Oncology : https://www.ejso.com/article/S0748-7983(19)30845-5/fulltext5

She has been supporting many Corporates through the pandemic with Mindfulness and Wellbeingworkshops and meditations. She has conducted Mindfulness sessions for Senior Leadership within the organisation. 

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